Posts filed under 'Uncategorized'
I have recently been introduced to H5P This is a website catch phrase: which pretty much explains what you can do with it. But what is HTML5 content you ask. First off, you need to know that HTML5 is a version of HTML, the coding language used to create webpages on the internet. HTML […]
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February 16th, 2021
Creating a Learning Tribe Means Making Real Connections As a new academic year approaches, I am thinking about ways to get and keep my students engaged in our class, and a significant part of that is getting them to connect with one another as they can influence one another’s attitudes and ideas. Back in 1997 […]
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August 12th, 2015
It has been years since my last statistics class, and most of the number crunching I do these days is fairly standard stuff like creating formulas for grading in Excel or Google spreadsheets, so now when it is time crunch more data, I need a refresher. Here are websites that will make your statistical life as […]
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December 10th, 2014
Every year DJ Earworm makes a mashup of the popular songs from the year … and it makes a new song (and video) in itself. Here’s the one for 2014: As I have been commenting on student papers, it has dawned on me that using scholarly sources in your own paper is like creating a […]
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December 7th, 2014
My title sounds a bit barbaric, but I got the idea from listening to a Radiolab broadcast about morality in which a woman talks about a game she played in her third grade class. While she learned a lot of lessons during the role play, the comment she made that stuck with me is that her […]
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July 13th, 2014
Since I can remember, my household has had a copy of The Reader’s Digest. It was always on the reading table next to the lounger in the family room of my parents’ house, and it was one of my “go-to” magazines. After I graduated college, my mom started gifting me a yearly subscription and we keep […]
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June 6th, 2014
Get them to write childhood “learning” memories early on — journaling While an entire lit narrative at this point will get them confused as what a “common” college writing assignment for history, econ, psych needs to look like, getting them to write moments will: give us a window onto them as individuals (as people and […]
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May 16th, 2014
These last weeks of the semester in ENGH 122, we are working on literacy narratives. The assignment asks students to write about two moments of learning to read or write, in either their first or second+ language(s). After that, they will look for a connection between the stories that says something about their literacy development. […]
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April 24th, 2014
Use Kermit & “It Isn’t Easy Being Green” Serve Smith Island Cake to students who consistently write well developed paragraphs and serve those with no development no cake and those with minimal development one layer cake 😉
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March 29th, 2014
Just the other day I was talking with colleagues about the reality that teaching is performance art. You certainly have to know your “lines,” but simply knowing your lines is not enough. Good delivery is also important. And now with lecture capture becoming more commonplace and easy to set up, it is time for me […]
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June 15th, 2011
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