Lecture Capture – make that, Lecture Creation and Release – Performance Art

June 15, 2011

Just the other day I was talking with colleagues about the reality that teaching is performance art. You certainly have to know your “lines,” but simply knowing your lines is not enough. Good delivery is also important.

And now with lecture capture becoming more commonplace and easy to set up, it is time for me to consider doing it myself. This article from Campus Technology introduces some key ideas to contemplate: Lecture Capture: Lights! Camera! Action!

The primary benefit of lecture capture seems to me to be the idea of front-loading: have the students watch a multimedia-rich lecture that introduces ideas you want them to interact with – critical thinking, actually completing an activity – like a lab or peer review — and then during class time you have students actually DO the interaction.

I can easily doing this for:

  • peer review explanation/education (teach them what they need to look for, provide examples of yourself or other students doing this)
  • grammar education — take my old ppt and turn it into this format
  • modeling presentations
    • good ones
    • bad ones

I can build these lectures into media-rich resources that students can watch and re-watch as much as they like or need … and if they say they don’t understand the material I can ask them to re-watch the lecture, take notes, bring the notes into my office (as proof that they did indeed try to understand it) where we can go over the video lecture together. We can stop and rewind the video as much as needed and I can explicate and/or expand upon ideas as needed to help the student develop a full understanding of the material. Such an interaction still puts me in the position of informant/information provider, but it also greatly expands (and highlights) my roll as facilitator/coach, allowing me to model critical thinking and analysis with my students. Way more fun … and much more productive for the students in the long-run.

In reality, I would no really be doing lecture capture as much as lecture production and release … sounds kind of like “catch and release,” which I like …. hmmm, maybe I’ll have to call my process “Create and Release.” Ya … I like that.

I SO have to implement this.

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