Next Year in ENGH 121-122!

May 16, 2014

  1. Get them to write childhood “learning” memories early on — journaling 
    • While an entire lit narrative at this point will get them confused as what a “common” college writing assignment for history, econ, psych needs to look like, getting them to write moments will:
      • give us a window onto them as individuals (as people and as learners)
      • give us some raw text to use for grammar analysis (and which can be built upon)
      • give students a chance to reconnect with their past experiences in a reflective process (which they may not have had to do in school before).
  2. Do a crapload of reading early on
    • teach marking early
      • patterns of main idea and support
        • blue-green-yellow
        • outlining
      • annotation
        • left=topic/main idea in own word
        • right=author’s purpose
        • backside of text (blank space) write summary in own words
    • fast student written responses in class as quick quizzes– can use marked text
    • in a “Commonbook” (paper or digital) students collect three sentences a week that they like/find interesting
      • copy it into the book (by hand with pen or by typing –> no C&P
      • have students ID grammar forms we cover that week in these sentences
  3. Vocabulary –> do my old cards (paper or digital) but add “other forms” category on each card
  4. Before getting to the ALA,
    • Do some Aristotle workAristotle
      • Independent = bring in different types of texts & have students “look @ their fish” to come up with descriptions that differentiate and classify them
      • Guided = have students watch the article types video and complete the cloze worksheet

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